30 iul. 2009


azi nu-mi place vremea de afara. azi nu-mi place de mine, de oameni, de stirile de la TV, nu-mi place nimic. azi am gasit insa niste randuri care m-au miscat. genul de chestie trista care totusi ma face sa zambesc, care imi ramane gravata undeva in partea dreapta a creierului si imi suna in urechi ca o melodie ruseasca trista si frumoasa.


I feel certain, that I'm going mad again.

I think we can't go through another of these terrible times

and I shan't recover this time.

I begin to hear voices

and can't concentrate.

So I'm doing what seems the best thing to do.

You have given me the greatest possible happiness.

You have been in every way all that anyone could be.

I know that I'm spoiling your life

and without me you could work

and you will.

I know.

You see I can't even write this properly.

What I want to say is that I owe all the happiness of my life to you.

You have been entirely patient with me

and incredibly good.

Everything is gone for me,

but the certainty of your goodness.

I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.

I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.


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Un comentariu:

Ruxandra R. spunea...

Vai Cori, nu pot sa cred ... Este pasajul meu preferat scris de Virginia Woolf. In caz ca nu ai vazut filmul The Hours, ti-l recomand cu toata caldura. E filmul meu preferat. Este el un pic twisted & complicated, dar cred ca-ti va placea. :) Btw, very cool blog :).